The COSMIC FASHION SHOW is brought to you by CMM AFRICA, an organization owned by three partnering companies, namely:
The Canyon Lekki (an event center)
Mistics Couture (Lekki Phase 1)
Cosmic Ray Int’l Magazine. (Fashion, Entertainment, Relationship and Lifestyle magazine).
The CFS Date & Venue
DATE: 7 December, 2019
VENUE: Lekki Astoria, Agungi, Lekki, Lagos.
The show is a well organized platform for professional and aspiring/upcoming designers to showcase to the World the beauty of their creativity, and also stand the chance of getting potential clients at the show (if the designer’s works are great).
Aside designers showcasing their designs, they’ll have a free space in the Cosmic Ray Int’l magazine. Their profile (as a designer) will be featured in the magazine which shall have its free copies given to all attendees at the show, and circulated across some cities in Nigeria.
They also would have their designs in the next edition of Cosmic Ray Magazine after the event.
Their brands and designs will also be published on our online version of the magazine.
So, we are not only giving designers a platform to showcase theirr designs, we are giving them advertisement and promotion, before the show, at the show, and after the show.
The CFS will encourage African fashion designers (professionals and the upcoming) to showcase their designs, and also an award of the Best Model on the runway show on the same night. This maiden edition of the CFS is designed to bring colour and more glamour into the African Fashion Entertainment Industry.
The CFS is expected to draw about Two Thousand (2000) attendees and a publicity reach of over a million (1,000,000) people.
Our sponsors enjoy a wealth of brand exposure opportunities as sponsors are guaranteed of potential clients at the show.
This platform enables designers to showcase the Africa’s rich and emerging fashion to the world, strengthen the link between fashion designers and models, showcase our top class models.
The CFS will be huge and unique. Fashion isn’t a new thing, but we believe in doing ordinary things in extraordinary way and thereby making a super class and international standard.
This is one great show you can’t afford to miss. Come and experience the wonders of Fashion Designers’ creativity. Come and sit with celebrities at the show, and enjoy the night to its fullest. At the CFS show, all attendees are left with unforgettable pleasant and beautiful memories.

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