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EES Customer Rewards Dinner 2019

December 21, 2019 @ 17:00 - 21:00 Citiheight Luxury Hotel ₦15000 – ₦25000

The most priceless assets in every organization are not the cash or billions in the bank nor the machines in our factory, nor the glamour of our office.
These inestimable assets drives our objectives and keep us relevant; they are our Customers and team members.
We are delighted to propose to you the Customer Rewards Dinner an atmosphere to bond and reward your customers while networking opportunities.
Invest in them by bonding and you will be glad you have secured the future.

In essence, the Customer Rewards Dinner powered by The Enterprise Ecosystem Support Inc. gives every Micro, Small & Medium Enterprise a collaborative platform to co-host their customers. Besides, you and your customers/team members will have a great time networking with business icons, EES mentors and other business owners whilst forecasting for the year 2020.

How to Participate
***Identify the customers your company wants to rewar
***Get a ticket only at N15,000 or a ‘corporate pack’ valued at N25,000. The corporate pack gives you a list of customised items in your company’s brand
***For the coporate pack, you will have a range of items to choose from and EES delivers them in a corporate branded box customised for your company
***EES delivers the pack to you plus a dinner ticket for the customer you have identified for the reward
***You in turn deliver the corporate branded box which contains the ticket to your customer
***The ticket attached to the branded box is your invitation of the customer to the customer reward dinner

The dinner also involves a lot of special sessions that will thrill your customers such as red carpet reception, special customer appreciation and awards, networking with business icons amongst others.
We hereby wish to partner with you on this project and anticipate your collaboration in this regard.

Ticket Only = N15,000
Ticket plus Branded Corporate Pack = N25,000


December 21, 2019
17:00 - 21:00
₦15000 – ₦25000
Event Categories:
, ,


Enterprise Ecosystems Support Inc.


Citiheight Luxury Hotel
6, Sheraton - Opebi Link Road, Ikeja
+ Google Map


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